Monday, 27 August 2012

Weaving Our Lives Into One Another

Recently while visiting a friend, we happened upon a discussion about symbolism. We marvelled at how the world's cultures naturally were drawn to nature and transubstantiated the imagery found there to symbolize what was happening to them soulfully, spiritually, and culturally.

Take for example braiding: 

Some native peoples believe braiding merges the present with the past and the future, making them one with their ancestors and descendants and therefore they can be quite selective as to whom they allow to braid their hair.

Nordic peoples believed that those who could make good braids held powers that could tame the winds. 
Frigga, the Nordic goddess of love, marriage, and destiny was a sky goddess who sat at her spindle weaving the destiny of Gods and man. She was responsible for weaving the clouds (and therefore for sunshine and rain and the fertility of the crops), and she was also responsible for weaving the fates. 

The Celtic people's knotwork interlace is probably the most recognized kind of celtic art, resembling braided strips that bend and weave amongst themselves. These are believed to represent the interconnection of life and humankind's place within the universe.

This leaves me to contemplate on how we, as family and friends, weave and braid our daily  "physical, mental, emotional and soulful paths" into one another's lives ...

 physically entwining fingers and hands to show just how much we delight in having our loved ones present in our lives ... 

... mentally engaging, merging into and building upon each others thoughts and ideas ...

... emotionally investing in dreams and visions by pulling together and sharing faith, tools and talents ... 

...  Soulfully fusing  words and our actions into prayers and blessings

And how beautiful when we as lovers can allow ourselves to be fully open and vulnerable to one another
In those sacred moments, all our paths converge 
swirling and ravelling

And oneness, ripe and full,  is tasted

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